Do you know Once upon a time??

Hey!! Where did you came from??? Ohh you want to do my test aye?? Well I guess so.... just don't suck. I mean I know you'll do good. But do you know you'll do good??

Will you go?? What will you get?? You'll pass!! it's not that hard. Make sure to say in the comments what you got!! I would love to know, so what are you doing?? Go take the quiz!!!! To look youuuuuuu

Created by: Rylee
  1. Who is snow and and charming's kid?
  2. Who is Emma's first love
  3. What is hooks real name
  4. Who is Regina's mother
  5. Who is Emma's son
  6. Who does emma meet.(they were strapped to a tree)
  7. Who is the dark one
  8. Who is the dark ones dad
  9. Who does the shadow take?
  10. Where do they do they have to go to save them
  11. Who kisses at the end of season 3
  12. Who does Regina love?
  13. Who was Killion favorite guy to talk to. (Like his half dad)
  14. Who does Robin have a baby with
  15. Who does Killion die for

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Quiz topic: Do I know Once upon a time??