Do you know Nancy Drew

This is just a quiz to see how much you know about Nancy Drew and her family and friends if you have a any questions comments or concerns please get in touch with me enjoy.

I hope that you can and will enjoy this quiz. What do you know about Nancy Drew please put in comments or make your own test. I hope you score high By, Loving Nancy Drew

Created by: Loving Nancy Drew
  1. Which was the first book in the series
  2. How many books are in the series
  3. Who is Nancy's house keeper
  4. Which book is not a really in the series
  5. Which is Nancy's boyfriend
  6. Does Nancy Drew Have A Mom
  7. What are Nancy's Drew's Friends names
  8. Where does Nancy's Aunt lives
  9. How many pets does Nancy have
  10. Does Nancy have a friend named Ellen

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Quiz topic: Do I know Nancy Drew
