Do you know my BFF?

Hey I'm Anna I may be a stranger but I still want you to take quiz and see if you know my BFF quite well? Even though you never met her! Ok I hate these rules time to write somethingbrandom I was just singing and bopping to some Little Mix songs and my best guy friend from the cartoon network of my lps collection I'm so sad and stressed out of

Wesley is sweet nice and amazing! She wou**ld loved it if you took ber I was fine with that the best singer and actress in a good way it's very well as the best singer and actress in a good way to do you listen to quiz 6quiz BFF this quiz is just for you!!

Created by: Anna Vamila Mix
  1. What age is she?
  2. Here is she from?
  3. What's her older sister's name?
  4. When's her birthday?
  5. Have you met my BFF Wesley before?
  6. What's her YouTube name?
  7. What does Wesley wants to be when she grows up?
  8. Wesley has her own company, What's the name of it?
  9. What's Welsey's instagram?
  10. Wesley has a certain style, What is it?

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Quiz topic: Do I know my BFF?

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