yay for a quiz about me! alicia!! i hope you do good, but it might be kinda hard, i dont really know, but i hope you do well, if you know everything about me then you should do good, but if not then good luck.

so now i guess its time for you to figure out how well you know me. the pressure is building. i wish you the best of luck, and yay for alicia being so awesome!

Created by: alicia
  1. lets first ask an easy question, what school do i go to?
  2. what is my ultimate favorite video game (currently)?
  3. which of the following is NOT a nickname that i call ci ci bella?
  4. what was my favorite book that i read in english this year?
  5. what was the mascott of my middle school?
  6. who is the bestest tennis player ever? (according not only to me, but also to the world)
  7. what is my favoritest band?
  8. what is something that i havent ate for lunch at school this year?
  9. whats my favorite tv show?
  10. who would i least want to meet?
  11. what is my favorite drink?
  12. what movie do i not like?
  13. my favoritest pet ive ever had?
  14. middle name?
  15. least favorite video game?
  16. favorite color?
  17. what camp did i go to last year?
  18. if i had a 100 dollar gift certificate, where would i want it to be at?
  19. what church do i go to?
  20. YAY last question what do i think was theordore roosevelts biggest accomplishment was?

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