Do you know Miley cyrus?

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There are many people who know Miley Cyrus but few true people truly know Miley Cyrus. Take this quiz to see if you know Miley cyrus or if you truly know her.

Do you know Miley Cyrus? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out! All you need is brainpower and time to take this quiz!

Created by: Brianna

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When was Hannah Montana first aired?
  2. What was the episode name in season 2 that never aired in the U.S.A.
  3. What is Miley's upcoming film and her role.
  4. Who is Miley's best friend in real life???
  5. What was one of Miley dancers.
  6. When did Destiny changed her name to Miley?
  7. When was "Party in The U.S.A" officially released to radio.
  8. Does Miley have a dog?
  9. Who is Miley currently dating?
  10. How old was miley when she audition for Hannah Montana?

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Quiz topic: Do I know Miley cyrus?