Do You Know Me Well?

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How well do you know me? Are we just strangers.. or do we personally know each other? Take this quiz IMMEDIATELY!!! asdkjjsandkjsnakdjnskjadajdkjsakdskajndkaj

HI jakdjklsajdakdjnkjasbdjsabdkjaskjdnkjaskjdkadnjndasa dbasjdnkjasndkasnkdkjsadkjansdjnasjdnkjasndkjansldnkjwuehiokwmqieguqwneknskahdbyuhsabdknw9qiuehbwqkjnmdinojsankmld

Created by: yippeeyay
  1. What does the V. in my name stand for? (Kim Melynsay V. Saldo)
  2. Am I a dog, or cat lover?
  3. Which art style would I like to imitate?
  4. What clothing style/aesthetic do I wear/wish to wear?
  5. Which gender/s am I interested in?
  6. Which nickname/s would you prefer to call me?
  7. Who in my family do I connect with the most?
  8. Have I ever had/been in a problematic and toxic relationship? (Platonically or romantically)
  9. Which of the following was my first Genshin Impact crush and introduced me to it?
  10. What country/ies would I love to move to?
  11. What type of art materials do I use?
  12. Have I commit any crimes?
  13. Lastly, what have I been battling for the longest time?

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Quiz topic: Do I Know Me Well?
