Do you know me at all?

So this quiz was made so you can tell how much you really know me. I just hope that you did not cheat. You may be wondering how you could possibly cheat, but You totally can. I made a quiz about me, so you could have that quiz open and this quiz open at the exact same time and you could just look at all of the answers from there. Anyway let's move onto the next paragraph.
So it is Monday and it is raining oh wait, actually it is not raining anymore. It is 8:27 A.M and i kinda like that. There is a long day ahead and i hope i will get to spend lots of time on Gotoquiz today and the day after today and so on and so on. I skinned my knee yesterday for the first time ever since i was in second grade and 8 years old. I actually fell right in front of my neighbor's driveway when that happened (the time in second grade). I was really lucky that my neighbors were not driving their car at the time because i would have been toast. I hurt my knee really badly on that day and it bled and bled and bled. I showed my classmates and i was really proud of my wound. I wound was so bad that i have a scar where the cut was. I don't think it will go away ever. And it really hurts to put pressure on my knee. i know it will heal someday, but not today. I really like the sound that the keyboard makes when you type really really really fast. it just sounds like something hard to describe.