Do You Know Harry Potter Year 1-7?

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How much do you know Harry potter? I know everything about Harry potter from Hemriones Ron Harry's clothes to their names in real life, BUT do you know Harry potter lets find out :).

Do you have what it takes to answer these questions?! DON'T CHEAT. Find out if you have the knowledge of Harry potter. Answer these questions we will find out if you have what it takes.

Created by: Natalie
When Will I Die Test
  1. Who is Luna Lovegoods Father?
  2. Who killed Albus Dumbledore?
  3. At what age does Harry no longer have the trace on him?
  4. Who are Harry's Parents?
  5. What 2 things does Harry receive out of dumbledoors will?
  6. (Here is a easy one) How old are you?
  7. In what year did Sirius Black Die?
  8. What is the name of Hemriones cat?
  9. Do Harry and Ginny get married?
  10. In Harry's later years.. How many kids does he have?
  11. What is Harry's name in REAL LIFE?
  12. What is Hemriones name in REAL LIFE?
  13. What is rons name in REAL LIFE?

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Quiz topic: Do I Know Harry Potter Year 1-7?