Do you know Harry Potter????

So you think you know harry potter. well stop right there missy or mister. Until you get 100% on this quiz you don't know harry potter. Mu hahahahahaha!

So you think you know harry potter. well stop right there missy or mister. Until you get 100% on this quiz you don't know harry potter. Mu hahahahahaha! you are the best.

Created by: Alice may
  1. What is Dumbledore's patronus?
  2. name the three different types of money in the wizarding world
  3. What the names of the three brotheres in the tales of beedle the bard?
  4. What is the name of Draco Malfoy's child in the last book?
  5. Who does Neville marry?
  6. What number Quidditch world cup does Harry go to watch?
  7. What is the first name of Draco Malfoy's cronie Crabbe?
  8. The sound of which creature can killl a basilisk?
  9. What sort of snake frightens the Dursleys in the Philosophers Stone
  10. Who's mother was called Fridwulfa?

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Quiz topic: Do I know Harry Potter????