Do you know firestar!

this quiz is about a warrior cat named firestar this warrior cat quiz will test you and see if you know firestar if you don't you should read more of the series tolearn

see if you can get a 100 on this warrior cat quiz but what the qustin is do you know firestar if you do know and read all the books this should be really easy for you

Created by: katelyn
  1. who was firestars mate
  2. who was firestars kits
  3. who was firestars sister
  4. what book did firestar lose his last life in
  5. what book did firestar become leader
  6. what is firestar closest friends
  7. what is your favorite coler no effect
  8. are you getting bored
  10. do you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: Do I know firestar!