Do you know everything there is to know about Shifu?

Do you know everything there is to know about Shifu from kung fu panda take this rock hard quiz to find out it will test your knowledge from the film and episodes

Do you have what it take to find out your score this is realy hard so dont be disapointed if you dont get a good score have fun and try your best.....

Created by: Soren
  1. Who is Shifu?
  2. Why does Shifu expect a lot from his students?
  3. What does Shifu's dad do?
  4. How does Shifu get the dragon scroll down?
  5. Complete this sentence... Then I will have finaly paid for...
  6. When Shifu had to stop tai lung what part of Shifu's body did tail lung break
  7. Shifu loved ... like he never loved anyone before
  8. What type of animal is Shifu?
  9. How did Shifu get to the jade palace?
  10. Who was Shifu's master?

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Quiz topic: Do I know everything there is to know about Shifu?