Do you know Encanto as well as you think you do?

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Hi my name is #UniqueUnicorn and I'm part of the Benyole Squad!! Subscribe to that on YouTube!! Do you know Encanto as well as you think? Well i'm here to test that!

This test is pretty simple so you will probably get a high mark. If you don't, just do the quiz again and probably watch the movie a few times! ;p Hope you like it!!

Created by: #UniqueUnicorn of The Benyole Squad
(your link here more info)
  1. Who said "For the nerves"?
  2. How much older is Camilo to Mirabel?
  3. What's Dolores's power?
  4. Who said "if you weren't trying so hard..."?
  5. How did the Madrigals get their miracle?
  6. Where has Bruno been living for 10 - 11 years?
  7. What's Abuela's power?
  8. Who said "With my love for my daughter!!"?
  9. Will you like and comment?
  10. Subscribe to the Benyole Squad!!

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Quiz topic: Do I know Encanto as well as you think you do?
