Do you know Draco Malfoy

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This quiz is about Draco Malfoy. This is just to see if you know him. If you don't that is fine.This quiz is very simple it is just a quiz so no big deal.

During this quiz I hope you don't go searching things up and stuff. Just try to do it on your own first That way you can learn as you go. I hope you enjoy this quiz have fun.

Created by: Kailey Corales
  1. When was Draco Malfoy born?
  2. What is Draco's full name?
  3. Your crazy if you don't get this right...What house is Draco in?
  4. Where does Draco go to school?
  5. What place was Draco in Quidditch
  6. When did Draco make it on the team?
  7. Where does Draco live?
  8. Draco is a what...
  9. Did Draco say this..." who blacked your eye Granger I want to send them flower."
  10. Last question AND THIS DOESN"T MESS UP YOUR RESULTS!! Is Draco hot?

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Quiz topic: Do I know Draco Malfoy
