Do You Know Clannad?

Do you know Clannad are you a fan of it how many time have you watched I bet I can tell if that's the case and if you skiped scenes go and try it now .

Do you want to prove me wrong can you comment if you have be truthful I can tell . The best Clannad quiz peroid, will be edited and please have fu.

Created by: candy xxxxxxx
  1. Who marries Tomoya?
  2. What does Ushio stand for?
  3. Who is the robot?
  4. Is sunohara blonde at the begining of afterstory?
  5. Do nagisa and Tomoya kiss?
  6. Finsh the song title Ushio's ...
  7. Akio is married to.
  8. How old is misae?
  9. Who is mei
  10. What anime is akio a fan of?
  11. Who is Naoyuki

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