do you know black butler

There are many black butler fans. But few real devoted ones. Black butler after all is a weird show. Are you one of them. Those otaku's with no life?

I sm bored so tell me if you are a true fan of black butler. I have a friend who is obbsessed with this show and I'm curious to see if anybody is actually any good at this quiz

Created by: sidney
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who does Sebastian work for
  2. Who is the REAL jack the ripper
  3. Who is in love with sabastian
  4. What is grell's weapon of choice
  5. What is the name of the dog/person that idolizes sebastian
  6. Where is ciel's mark that proves he owns a demon
  7. Where is alois's mark that shows he owns a butler
  8. What is the season of black butler called where Sebastian and Ciel go undercover
  9. What is the nursery rhyme that the creepy doll person who tried to kill ciel's fiancee repeatedly hummed and sang
  10. Did you like my quiz

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Quiz topic: Do I know black butler