do you know avatar?

there are many people who watch avatar but only some people know what the show is about. avatar is a complex show with many aspects to it. it sticks to its purpose and follows one main idea.

do you know everything about avatar take my quiz and find out it will only take a few minutes or would you rather sit at home wondering if you knew avatar.

Created by: nicola cook

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what are the four elements
  2. what is the name of the current avatar
  3. what is the name of aang's flying bison
  4. what nation is suko from
  5. what is the name of the firelord aang must dual
  6. who teaches aang earth bending
  7. who first tries to teach aang fire bending
  8. who tought kattarah to be a master water bender
  9. what animal is the original air bender
  10. how long does the avatar disappear for

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