Do you know Anton Poroshin

Now most people don't know this guy, but lots of Europeans do, because he is a spy, a Russian spy trying his hardest to expose the U.S. of wrong doing and to leak false information that is given to it's people like Snowden, just unlike Snowden he is actually in the United States.

Now have you researched before doing this, because this quiz might seem easy for some and hard for some, now get ready to test your brain on Anton Poroshin

Created by: yuki2006
  1. What Russian city was Anton born in?
  2. How old was Poroshin when he was hired by the Kremlin?
  3. Which political figure in Russia does he work for?
  4. Who does Anton support in Ukraine?
  5. What is Anton's occupation?
  6. Where does Anton Poroshin currently reside?
  7. How old is Poroshin now?
  8. When is Poroshin's birthday?
  9. Who chose Anton to become a spy?
  10. What country is he a spy in?
  11. What is Anton's favorite holiday and season?
  12. How much Rubles has Anton given to the Pro-Russian Army?
  13. Was Poroshin born in the U.S.S.R.?
  14. What are Poroshins plans?
  15. Do you believe that Poroshin could be the next Russian president?

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Quiz topic: Do I know Anton Poroshin