Do you know all the lyrics to P!nk's songs?

ni ocsdu csn uhvb unv7hvif nb vh8ivjkcnjh chfyhiocsnchv ffhj cjnv ygv n7jkjgycn h chffcnhgfn fcnjhd hfimcd byfh cbbiuyt vjngnfmb ! Just kidding! Try your best!

I believe you can do this! Remember to try ur best and to belive! When you are done no matter what your score is, you are still awesome! Pink is awesome and you should look her up if u've never heard of her! Thank u!

Created by: Ivy Kallembach
  1. Finish the lyrics: "My momma she loves you no matter what she says, it's true..."
  2. How many times does P!nk say "I don't believe you" In her song "I don[t believe you"?
  3. Finish the lyrics: "I got a brand new attitude..."
  4. Do you know how many times she says I've got everything in "So What"
  5. What is P!nk's song "Perfect" about?
  6. Are you enjoying this quiz?
  7. Finish the lyrics: "I'm drinking wine and thinking bliss"
  8. Are these real lyrics to Funhouse? "Tear us down, throw you out"
  9. These last questions are for fun, Are you still enjoying this quiz?
  10. Do you think you'll get a good score?

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Quiz topic: Do I know all the lyrics to P!nk's songs?