Do you know about the Solar System?

Welcome to this Astronomy Test by IvanSacchi, I will be testing you a 10 Question test about the Solar System and Knowledge about Planets and Dwarf planets, GL.

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Created by: Ivan Sacchi
  1. How cold is Uranus? (Celsius)
  2. What's the Sun's Diameter in KM?
  3. What's the Coldest Temperature EVER recorded on Mercury?
  4. What's the mass on Jupiter? (Earths)
  5. What's the Average temperature on Earth? (Farenheit)
  6. What's the diameter of Venus? (KM)
  7. What's the average diamater of the outer Planets? (Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus)
  8. What's the Average temperature on Venus? (Farenheit)
  9. What's a Planet?
  10. What is a Dwarf Planet?

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Quiz topic: Do I know about the Solar System?
