do you know about BFB 8?

this is about episode 8 of BFB's eighth challenge. it's only about a chunk of this episode so don't panic. Just stay calm remember this episode's details clearly

the portions you need to remember for this challenge are the challenge & the elimination of this episode. So you don't need to worry about all of the episode

Created by: dontask
  1. Ooba wooba grooba shmooba?
  2. Quakey bakey, floop floop?
  3. what is snow plus gasoline?
  4. what does Donut see when he looks at his teammates?
  5. what's 1+1?
  6. what's the past tense of EAT?
  7. what's donut's favorite season?
  8. who saved Iance from losing the challenge?
  9. who was eliminated this episode?
  10. who caused Free Food to lose this challenge?

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Quiz topic: Do I know about BFB 8?
