Do you know About American Football?

There are many smart people, but few true geniuses. Genius is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a genius? A genius is a someone who is clever, and very smart. I think YOU are a genius to me....... :)

Are you a genius? well do you have the brain power to get all these questions right.This is a prestigious title about football. I bet YOU have played football before if you get all these questions right.

Created by: Jett Black
  1. What does the QuarterBack do?
  2. what does the refree do?
  3. What position to you want to be?
  4. do you want to see a football player?
  5. Hello
  6. are you ready for your thing
  8. do you want to play football?
  9. Do you guys want to see me
  10. what football team do you want to be on?

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Quiz topic: Do I know About American Football?