Do you have what it takes to become a Ranger?

The Rangers are a mysterious group of men.They stick to the shadows. They work for the king and their fiefs.They have cloaks that almost make them invisible.People saw their quivers hold the lives of a dozen men.

Do you have a part of Ranger in you?What kind of Ranger are you?Are you just a beginner or the greastest Ranger legend of all?This Ranger test will test your skills to see what you are.

Created by: gtRanger52
  1. Are you adventurous?
  2. What do you say about your bow skills?
  3. How are your tracking skills?
  4. Names arent important:true or false?
  5. If your greatest friend was dying and an evil lord was about to take over the land, what would you do ?
  6. Which is more important, protection or health?
  7. What is love to you?
  8. How long would you last alone in the woods?
  9. Which is a better animal companion: Dog or Cat
  10. If you come across a fence on a path, what do you do?

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Quiz topic: Do I have what it takes to become a Ranger?