Do you have the knowledge of a hacker?

Do you want to know what you're capable of over the internet society? well find out for your self I am a hacker myself and i know many things im even part of a hacking group

WE ARE LEGION WE DO NOT FORGIVE WE DO NOT FORGET EXPECT US -ANONNYMOUS, Remember the eye is always watching even when you don't even notice. Someone will always betray you

Created by: Sofia
  1. Do you know the correct meaning for HTML? (be honest)
  2. What do you think of when you hear the word Java
  3. What do you do on your free time?
  4. What do you think of hacking?
  5. What do you dress like daily?
  6. Do you know what a packet sniffer is?
  7. name two types of coding
  8. What is the keyboard shortcut to inspect your page
  9. How do you access the DarkWeb
  10. What does a IP stand for?
  11. Wich one is a hacking group

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Quiz topic: Do I have the knowledge of a hacker?
