Do you have strict parents? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Do you have strict parents?
im am 13 and my parents dont let me do anything . they always ask who im going out with (only friends) and if they arent super close with their parents then its a no. im so used to no at this point. i hate my parents to the point i dont eat anymore, and i cry myself to sleep every night without fail. they expect so much from me but im still a kid, i beg them to give me grace but nothing ever changes. im counting down the days until i leave for college. only 5 more years
My mom is totally strict! I'm 14 and I'm not allowed to date, have a facebook, post youtube videos, or go over to a friend's house. Thank god she lets me be on the computer... otherwise I would go completely insane. >.>
My parents are strict. I'm fourteen and I am not aloud to watch R rated movies and my curfew is about seven o' clock. It's a good think I'm one of those people who is on the computer half the time.
I have overly strict parents, I turn 17 in 3 months and ive been saving for an apartment so the day i graduate im moving out. they make so many rules for everything and then change them when i make a small mistake just to punish me. for example, i was at my boyfriends house (they think were just dating cuz i cant have a boyfriend) and i had to be home by 11:59 and on my way home there was a car that almost hit me and it scared me then they were going 25 below the speed limit, it was a one lane road so i couldnt pass them. when i tried telling my parents what happened they just said i should have left sooner. how was i supposed to know this was going to happen?? then i went to bed and the next day they said im grounded all day when i promised my boyfriend i would go to his lax game. they wait up for me to come home every night. and they never told me i was going to be grounded until i was getting ready about to leave for the game. this crushed my soul and they wouldnt let me text him that i couldnt make it so i feel super bad and i still dont have my phone because they keep making excuses. ive been having sleeping problems for the past 6 months and they wont let me take melitonin because they think its the same thing as marijuana. so i have a hard time waking up and getting to school on time. i have all a´s so why are they getting mad about me getting to school late. ive tried having sit down talks about me needing to see a sleep doctor or someone to help with my panic attacks or ptsd attacks but they say nothings wrong and that mental health problems are not real and are just excuses. please help me find ways to help them trust me more i really need all the help i can get. please, and thank you
i am 12 i am sad and loney i am not allowed to any friends as they think she is a distraction i am not allowed to date,i cant wear the clothes i want,they are so strict they took 1300 kms away from my home i have secret discord account to talk bff and my parents dont know abt it.if u want to be my friend my discord account is divina.raina#8065.i m supposed to get all As in school , iam not allowed to listen to music and my mok found abt my bf so she broke me up with him my dad is always comparing me with kids like what other kids are doin i am queer and my parents dont know i a totall messd up pls help me
My mom will NOT let me have a boyfriend until I finish collage! I currently in 7th grade but, I have a boyfriend ;3 They don't know and I'm never telling them.
Average parents. That's very true. My mom isn't overly strict yet she still takes control when she needs to. (I never see my dad, so he doesn't matter.) Good quiz! :D
Topaz1 -
For me, it's always the Dad. I have a step dad and he was really nice before. and now he changed so much. he becomes very strict and scary. I told mum that he has changed also but mum didn't really care what I told her.
My parents are SOOO let loose. If I ask my mom if I can have a sleepover, she just says whatever, it's up to the other mom. They let me do whatever I want! I love my parents!
Really? Well I just slapped my narcissistic ass dad so hard in the face that he just fell on the ground. (He is dead) I'm not getting any pulses from him so yeah I am going to run away from home now and go to mexico (I'm 15 btw)
lol my Dad's the strict one. he won't even let me date and i'm 13! i can't go past the yard. i can't walk across the street to the park or anything. it's really sad. but they hardly ever lock the computer! with out the internet i'd be insane.
anzime111 -
I'm a trans boy under sixteen years old, and I'm not sure if my parents are good or not. I'm autistic and have ADHD.
To start, I was adopted by my biological cousin and her husband. I'm the sixth kid they had. As of now, my mom's 54 and my dad's 59.
If I mouth off to my mom, she'll wait for me to turn my back to her and then she'll swat me on the butt. If I don't, she'll usually hit my arms or anywhere in her range. And that's just the physical. When I bring this up to her afterward, she'll either call it a 'love tap' or deny it ever happened. Granted, I am extremely snarky. Any attempt at sharing my identity with my parents is shut down.
My father is a lot less scary to me. I feel a lot more safe sharing things with him than I do with her. He avoids any conflicts between me and my mother.
its mostly my dad who is strict. I'm 14 btw. I have to go to bed by 8:30 or 9, i have Life 360 on my phone, and i get grounded a lot. Whenever i 'have an attitude' or do anything wrong I get yelled at and grounded.. i do my best i school but i get mediocre grades so yeah. im f---ing tired :(
My dad is the strict one. He doesn't let me wear shorts, and dresses. If I bring it up he yells at me. He doesn't even let my mom wear them. How do I change his mind?
My parents aren't really *strict*. I think I had strict parents, and I have anxiety, so yeah.
I’m 13 and I can’t even wear jeans outside and when I’m on my phone I feel like my mums gonna take it so I hid it, like I’m a Muslim so I have to cover my hair and even if there’s a bit of my hair showing she’s goes crazy like tf. THERE ARE GIRLS AT THEIR WHO DONT WEAR SCARVES LIKE ARE U f---ING DUMB AND THEY WEAR JEANS AND STUFF THERE SO LUCKY ITS CRAZY BUT IDC WHEN IM 16 I DO WHAT I WANT 🤣🤣
layla11 -
Let-loose, which is kind of true. I live with my mom, and she's definitely loose. My dad is a different story, though.
rdhaley1 -
ya i agree with firey soul. she banned me fromgoing outside, facebook, have a phone! the last thing she will do is to get me banned from my bestfriend. wait she did! and im even in a girl school! then she banned me from my bestfriend! because of my bestfriend im happy! only if i was banned from her! ok loljk. just make her nicer
Let loose parents, true
I have to do homework in summer!!!!
Ray Gao1 -
My parents are not strict. That's very true
Average parents...That's true! C:
fatii961 -
let-loose...? i mean, my parents r strict 'bout what i wear (like, no sleevless shirts, shorts, mini-skirts, shirts w/ long neck-thing
I'm 13 btw