Do you have photographic memory?

Ever wonder exactly how good is your memory? Turns out, itś pretty terrific. Even if you don´t have a photographic memory. Your brain is amazing! It takes care of your whole body!

So even though you don´t have a photographic memory (for those that don´t), you can still make it better. But you can´t make a photographic memory. You either had it all your life or you didn´t.

Created by: smartie pants
  1. Read this line. You have 15 seconds. Methionylglutaminylarginyltyrosylerylleucylphenylalanylalan
  2. Was the word rosy in the last question?
  3. When you remember something, is it like a photo inside your head?
  4. Why did you take this quiz? (No effect)
  5. DO you think you have a photographic memory?
  6. Do you hate this test? (No effect)
  7. Read this word three times.supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Now think of the last day of school.
  8. How many letters were in the last word?
  9. What did the word I told you to memorize in 15 seconds start with?
  10. Are you scared about your results? (No effect)

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Quiz topic: Do I have photographic memory?
