Do you have permission to pee? (2)

I did not make the first “Do you have permission to pee?” quiz, I read that quiz and wanted to make my own so if you see this, I think you should try the other quiz too!

This is a quiz where you have to answer some questions and challenges then at the end I will tell you if you are allowed to pee yet. Your mind is under my control for this quiz, don’t pee unless I say so.

Created by: hello
  1. How bad do you have to pee?
  2. Feel your bladder. How does it feel?
  3. How long do you think you can last?
  4. Drink some water slowly for 10 seconds. How do you feel?
  5. Stop holding yourself for 10 seconds.
  6. Stand up completely still and relax your muscles for 30 seconds.
  7. Read this story and imagine it’s you: You woke up in the morning and you had to pee a little. The door was locked and you knocked on the door but they wouldn’t leave. “I have to pee!” You said. “Just wait” the person in the bathroom said. You knocked again. You decided to get ready because you didn’t have to pee that bad. You got ready in your room and then you realized you were running late! You checked to see if the door was open but it wasn’t. “What are you doing in there?” You said. “I’m getting ready just wait!” You were gonna miss the buss so you decided to just leave because you don’t have to pee that bad. During your 3rd period, gym class, you had to do the pacer test. You tried your best to beat everyone else and you did! You were so happy but so thirsty. You drank so much water at the bubbler that after you drank you felt an urge to pee. You were just about to go to the bathroom but after all that drinking you were gonna be late if you went. Your 4th period was 2 classes long so you couldn’t get out till 5th. Finally you could go to the bathroom! You walked to the door and saw that it was blocked off because the janitors had to clean. You told yourself to just hold it…
  8. Sorry for how long that was. I just wanted you to hold for as long as possible.
  9. Anyway, how are you doing?
  10. For every answer up you answered. Drink more water.
  11. How are you doing now?
  12. Ok just hold for a couple more questions ok?
  13. Hmm. How much longer can you last?
  14. Ok I think it’s time we get the results now. Are you ready?
  15. I hope you enjoyed this quiz and have a good day! Alright, here we go! Tim e to get results!

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Quiz topic: Do I have permission to pee? (2)

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