Do you have OCD?

This quiz should help you determine whether or not you have OCD or a similar disorder. There are a number of different symptoms that reflect different types of OCD. This is not a replacement for a medical diagnosis.

This quiz should be informative of what OCD is actually like. If you were wondering what OCD feels like, this quiz gives a good picture of what people with this disorder struggle with every day.

Created by: Cristin
  1. After using the restroom, do you feel the need to wash your hands a specific number of times? (e.g. 3, 5, 7, etc.)
  2. Have you ever caught yourself chewing on your nails, fingers, or skin? Or, have you ever noticed yourself picking at your skin?
  3. Do you ever find yourself thinking violent thoughts towards the people you love?
  4. Have you ever had inappropriate impulses to do something sexual to a friend, stranger, child, family member?
  5. Do you ever find yourself repeating phrases in your mind? (e.g. "what if?" "why me?" "how?" "I'm fine" "help")
  6. When sending an email, text message, or any type of writing, do you find yourself rereading it to make sure it is exactly right so that it cannot be misconstrued?
  7. Do you ever find yourself thinking inappropriate blasphemous thoughts about your religion?
  8. Do you ever find yourself avoiding certain people or objects because you are afraid of acting on the impulses that come into your mind? (e.g. avoiding your siblings because you imagine hurting them, avoiding guns because you imagine pulling the trigger, avoiding water because you imagine drowning)
  9. Do you ever find yourself checking to make sure you're doing something right? Or, checking to make sure you will not act on an intrusive thought?
  10. Do you find yourself dwelling on an event in your past that you cannot remember entirely trying to figure out whether or not you did something wrong?
  11. Do you have to repeat actions until it feels "just right"?

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Quiz topic: Do I have OCD?
