Do you have an eating disorder?

Do you think you have an eating disorder or do you want to prove that you don't. just take this quick 12 question quiz to find out.....................

People come in all shapes and sizes but some people want to be the impossible. Are you one of those people. Take this quiz and find out......................................................................

Created by: Cassidy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you ever eat large portion and then throw it back up or abuse laxatives?
  2. Have you tried a lot of diets?
  3. Have you ever cut calories or stopped eating all together?
  4. Do you ever eat huge amounts off food?
  5. Do you ever over exercise?
  6. Do you think you are fat?
  7. How often do you check your weight?
  8. Can you see your bones?
  9. How often do you eat.
  10. Do you want to be skin and bone?

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Quiz topic: Do I have an eating disorder?