Do You Have A Tangsoodo Problem?

Tangsoodo, an ancient Korean martial art, is my art of choice. I currently hold a third-degree black belt, and I am a world champion. It is a wonderful sport, because there is a good balance of mental and physical training.

Are YOU a TSD addict? Are you a dedicated student, or do you need psychological help? Is your TSD a passion or a problem? This quiz is meant to be entertaining, but who knows? It might just be the very thing you need to tell you you've lost your marbles! Find out with this quiz!

Created by: Anna Marion

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How old were you when you started training in TSD?
  2. And how long have you trained since then?
  3. Who is your favorite TSD hero?
  4. How high can you count in Korean?
  5. Have you ever accidentally called your boss or professor "Sah Ba Nim"?
  6. Do you know the entire verbal part of Basai?
  7. How many bones have you broken while sparring? (In total, not all at once!)
  8. How high is your roundhouse kick?
  9. What is your rank?
  10. The first female world champion became a world champion at the age of ___.
  11. Do YOU think you have a TSD problem?

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Quiz topic: Do I Have A Tangsoodo Problem?