Do you have a lover? (Girls Quiz)

Have you ever wondered if you have a lover in your class? If you have then this is the PERFECT quiz for you. So check it out you'll find it interesting.

So you know if you do have then the profile pic is what he is think and you as the girl and him as the boy. This quiz is designed for teens so if you are a teen then take the quiz :)

Created by: Amore
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he stare at you at all?
  2. Does he stare at you a lot?
  3. Have you ever caught him stare at you?
  4. Does he smile in a goofy manner when you speak to him?
  5. Does he ever kick you under the table?
  6. Does he look at any part of your body alot?
  7. Does he smile around you?
  8. Have your ever heard his friend say something about you and then he defends you?
  9. Does he ever look like he is going to kiss you?
  10. Has he ever purposely touched you?

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Quiz topic: Do I have a lover? (Girls Quiz)