do you have a life

Some people love hanging with friends or bf. some love being by themselves...watching tv with a bag of chips and a diet coke. Some people say if you do the first one you have a life...and if you do the second one they say GET A LIFE! Maybe you'll get a new thought about both.

So, which one are you? The friend-hanger-outer..or a watching-tv-with lots of fooder? You may not know, but now you have the chance! So take this amazing quiz!

Created by: rayna

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your volunteering got cancelled. You...
  2. Abercrombie is having a BIG sale. You...
  3. you want to watch the new grey's anatomy...
  4. Your mom's friend knows about a basketball camp...
  5. your sitting in class. your'e thinking bout...
  6. you fave sport is
  7. you get on the computer to...
  8. when you are bored and none of your friends can hang, you...
  9. A really dorky guy asks you out. you...
  10. When you go swimming, you are with...

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Quiz topic: Do I have a life