Do you have a CRUSH on him? Find out here!

Do you like him? Do you think he’s cute? Are you absolutely obsessed with him!?! Find out here<3 but here’s the question: does he like you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Created by: PoOkIe
  1. Okay let’s start! Do you think he’s attractive?
  2. Do you like his personality?
  3. Do you ever gaze at him for long periods of time?
  4. How long do you stare at him?
  5. Have you put your name and his surname together
  6. Do you make up fake scenarios about you two
  7. Do you talk to him
  8. Do you enjoy holding eye contact with him
  9. Do you think he likes you? (No effect.)
  10. Do you want him to like you?
  11. Bye (pls comment

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Quiz topic: Do I have a CRUSH on him? Find out here!
