Do you have a crush?

This quiz is for people who know, don't know or doesn't have a crush. This is how you find out the truth!!! Mwahahahahahahahahahahaha....... So try it out!

Do YOU have a crush? Find out here! Unsure or not... just try it. Please comment and answer truely...................................................................................

Created by: Gemi0203
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does anyone who is the opposite gender make you smile/laugh?
  2. Do you have any opposite gender friends that you like hanging out with? (he makes you happy)
  3. Have you ever gave your friend a (special) gift...(must be opposite gender)
  4. Do you like someone? (your gender or opposite)
  5. The opposite gender smiled at you.. what do you do?
  6. Do you know that you have a crush?
  7. I've ran out of questions... (no effect)
  8. Hi!
  9. I love pie...
  10. How was this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Do I have a crush?