Do you have a chance at being my boyfriend? ( I'm hedero )

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There are so many people on earth. And every year, more than one million people get married. But, sometimes we wonder if we'd be good for other people.

Would you ever survive being my boyfriend? You can take this quiz and find out if we'd ever work out as a couple. Remember, you will never date me, you'd just taking this for the heck of it.

Created by: Dancing in the Rain
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you believe in before marriage or teenage sex?
  2. Do you believe in abortion?
  3. Who did you vote for in this election ( 2012? )
  4. Do you believe in getting sexually dirty?
  5. Do you resemble either Nathan Gamble or Josh Hutcherson? ( google some pics if you don't know what they look like, and be HONEST )
  6. What are your average grades?
  7. Do you believe both women and men are equal?
  8. Would you open doors for me, and do nice surprises for me?
  9. Are you a lesbian taking this quiz?
  10. What religion are you?
  11. Do you have facial hair?
  12. How old do you think you should be when you get married?
  13. How many girls have you dated?
  14. Do you smoke?
  15. DO you take drugs?
  16. Have you ever been in jail?
  17. Do you want to go to college?
  18. Do you want kids?
  19. What's an ideal date?
  20. Do you have a square jaw?
  21. How tall are you?
  22. Do you curse a lot?
  23. Would you ever hit your wife?
  24. Would you ask me how my day was at dinner?
  25. Are you overall nice?
  26. Are you a virgin?
  27. How old are you
  28. Are you fat?

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Quiz topic: Do I have a chance at being my boyfriend? ( I'm hedero )