Do you have a broad yorkshire accent/dialect ?

Ow do. Do yer think yer yarkshar? do yer need ter think again. A quiz that'll reveal all. Ah shud know; ah'me a yorkie. Ah come from south Yorkshire, ah am a sheffielder 'n ah'me proud t' be one. Si'thi'

P.s yer musn't tek offence at th' answers. Tis all done wi good faith. 'Owever ah 'ain't tekin't mickey. ah'me true. If yer wanted ter know 'n f' marketin' purposes this quiz is an English quiz.

Created by: Atallie
  1. What does ey up mean?
  2. What does flayed mean?
  3. What does s*** with sugar on mean?
  4. What sound is the a in bath?
  5. How do you say I'm going down the road to my friends house?
  6. Do you say lahf or laff to pronounce laugh?
  7. How do you say I went to the cinema and the film was really good?
  8. How do you say goat?(This on is hard to write so just choose the one that sounds closest)
  9. What does arse over tit mean?
  10. What is goodbye in Yorkshire ?

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Quiz topic: Do I have a broad yorkshire accent/dialect ?
