Do you have a big jiggly belly?

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So still wondering if have a big bellies? So here at the things you really need to know about belly fat!!! 1. Belly fat is soft and jiggly (I hope you have a big belly)

If you have a big belly , you belly might jiggle like crazy like never before for a very long time! Just a small force can make your belly jiggles like never before! Let's see you have a big belly (or not)!

Created by: Fat gainer
  1. How often does your belly jiggles?
  2. Jiggles your belly does (how long does it jiggles?)
  3. Try to walk now does you belly jiggle as your walk?
  4. Now try sitting and stand up again does you belly jiggle?
  5. Have a freinds to punch you belly does it painful and does it jiggles?
  6. Stand straight and look down what do you see?
  7. Describe your belly with an object!
  8. Do you usually play with your belly?
  9. Have a freinds to play with your belly and describe it! What is the closest thing does it says?
  10. (logic question) you have a big belly and wanted to pick a sound effect everytime it jiggles so it is funny. Which one would you pick?
  11. Imagine your freinds laugh at your after you shows him your belly jiggles . What would you do?
  12. One more things, can you do the (skipipidop dance?) The skipipidop dance is the dance when you stay in a place and try to make your belly jiggle by moving your leg but you can't walk or run!
  13. Try to hold your belly up with your hand and drop it does it jiggles?
  14. Try to run while stopping your belly from jiggling with one hand.... Can it be stopped?
  15. Tell me about your belly?
  16. Now use another phone and search for fat man open the first photo.
  17. Do you look like a bear? 🐻🐻
  18. This question is your me to know that are you answering the question correctly I have 1 apple and I buy another 8 apples how many apples I have now?
  19. How jiggly is your belly
  20. Extra marks: please click yes( and this is the final question )

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Quiz topic: Do I have a big jiggly belly?
