Do you fit into Club Fun

So,You think you will be accepted into Club Fun? Or do you fit into Club Fun? Well, take this awesome quiz to find out if you make it in!!!! Good luck!

Are you good enough to come into Club Fun?? Not good, just being normal will get you in. Now you can only think if you make it in or not. sorry if you do not!

Created by: Cool Girl
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you wear makeup if so whats your fave thing to put on yo face?
  2. Whats your fashion style
  3. Your favorite saying?
  4. Your favorite color:
  5. Do you think you'll make it in club fun?
  6. fave music?
  7. your hair color??? ( this dont count!)
  8. if you died, how would u like to die?
  9. If u had a bf/gf would would her/his name be?
  10. Do u like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Do I fit into Club Fun