Do You Fit in, in School?

Do you think what it takes to fit in!!! Well do you?? Come on and take this quiz!!! And if you don'T like the results you have do it again, again, again!!!

You'll find out if you fit in, school or high school or any school so go ahead take the quiz and see what you get, if you don't fit in then don't be sad (this is what I experience before).

Created by: Falisha
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are your friends at school keeping secrets from you?
  2. Can you stand up for someone?
  3. Does your friends put you in there conversation?
  4. Does a friend talk over you??
  5. Does a bullie, bully you everyday?
  6. Does you friend hate the game that you play? Which game?
  7. If your friend does not have food what would you do.
  8. Do you hate your friends?
  9. Does your friend hates the song that you like? Is so what songs?
  10. Ok last question choose your fate.

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Quiz topic: Do I Fit in, in School?