Do you eat a lot on holiday or vacation?

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Do you eat a lot on holiday or no that much if you're not sure check out this quiz and hopefully you'll have the answer soon, have fun!

Do you love over indulging in your holiday and gain weight or are you a health freak who doesn't eat hardly any thing.

Created by: Intercity125

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What amount of food do you have for breakfast during your break?
  2. What amount of food do you have for lunch during your break?
  3. What amount of food do you have for dinner?
  4. When you are walking along the path you see a ice cream shop how many do you Get for yourself?
  5. When you go to the shop for some food what do you buy?
  6. Do you care if you eat too much and gain weight!
  7. Do you calorie count during your break?
  8. Do you like eating a lot of food, during your break?
  9. How much weight did you gain during your break?
  10. Did you like the quiz (no effect)

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Quiz topic: Do I eat a lot on holiday or vacation?