Do You Drink Democrat Kool-Aid? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Do You Drink Democrat Kool-Aid?

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  • Based on the Kool-Aid meter you are 52% Democrat Kool-Aid Drinker


    You are a sorta of a Democrat Kool-Aid Drinker! You should really watch Fox News more and less CNN. Don't be afraid to question Obama and Nancy Pelosi! You need to change your source of where you get your news!

    And I'm glad to not listen to stupid people, ever. I give this quiz a 2/5 for not recognizing that all empires are alike: driven by the lust for money, power and prestige. All three corrupt. And when they're absolute, they corrupt absolutely.

    Absurdities need atrocities. - Voltaire

  • Your quiz results

    Based on the Kool-Aid meter you are 13% Democrat Kool-Aid Drinker


    Wow you are not a Democrat Kool-Aid drinker, I'm sorry to say this but you are a Republican Kool-Aid drinker! You don't watch the mainstreem media or have anything to do with the far left loons. Wow you should try listening to Bill O'Reilly and Lou Dobbs a little more and a little less of Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh!

    Yay, I did it.

  • genuine reform brought me down to 26%. yay!

  • Just came down to 0%


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