Do you deserve to live?

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Life, a peaceful thing that we own. Its the thing that created the earth! It makes us equal in a way. We have an feeling inside that tells us, we are here!

Do you deserve to live? I do! I eat the people who don't ^-^ If you don't want to die... this is the quiz to find out the truth. Good luck! (I hope you come with BBQ sauce...)

Created by: RainbowButt
  1. What is a cupcake?
  2. Are you a brony?
  3. THINK FAST!!!!
  4. Is a fart a fart... or a turd
  5. Is nyan cat dead?
  6. what do you do to join the dragon club?
  7. truth or false, I have blond hair, blue eyes, and is beautiful in my way
  8. what does a unicorn do?
  9. Will you comment on this quiz?
  10. Thx for taking this quiz!
  11. COOKIE

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Quiz topic: Do I deserve to live?