Do you deserve a diaper discipline

This quiz is for you who needs a little help to manage your hygiene. This is a good way to help you get your potty certificate and bee a big boy our girl.

And you get diaper punished for it, if you don't try hard! Butt it is only for your one good, and it's really easy and you should have no problem to manage this potty rules.

Created by: Danne
  1. Do you have daytime accidents?
  2. Do you wet the bed?
  3. Do you have clean underwear?
  4. Do you wash your hands after a potty break?
  5. Do you leave a mess in the bathroome?
  6. Do you bath or shower regularly?
  7. Do you go to bed on time every day?
  8. Have you done all your chores this week?
  9. How whas your language this week?
  10. How whas your behavior this week?
  11. What did you do?
  12. Do you deserve a punishment?

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Quiz topic: Do I deserve a diaper discipline

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