Do You Care?????

See how much you care as part of Channel 4's "Who Cares?" Series of documentaries.See how much you care as part of Channel 4's "Who Cares?" Series of documentaries.

Do you care? I don't know, and to be honest, I don't really care, because this quiz telling me I have to tell you 100 characters is irritating, I'm only trying to test how my quiz works! Change this later...

Created by: James

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you buy something in a wrapper from a shop, when you're finished do you...
  2. After you have a party, what do you do with the empty wine and beer bottles? Do you...
  3. What car do you/your parents drive?
  4. When you leave your house, do you...
  5. How much do you use public transport?
  6. When you wash your clothes, do you..
  7. Do you use Energy-efficient lightbulbs?
  8. Do you leave your TV on Standby, or turn it off at the wall?
  9. Do you have some kind of solar or wind power equipment in your house?
  10. Do you make your own compost?

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Quiz topic: Do I Care?????