Do you burp????

Can you burp? Can you? You probably can! If you never did, you will once you do these steps! Can you burp? Can you? You probably can! If you never did, you will once you do these steps!

Can you burp? Can you? You probably can! If you never did, you will once you do these steps! Can you burp? Can you? You probably can! If you never did, you will once you do these steps!!

Created by: A
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Drink 1 soda. Do you burp?
  2. Drink a soda fast. Do you burp?
  3. Drink 5 sodas fast. Do you burp?
  4. Drink a coke fast. How loud do you burp?
  5. Drink 5 cokes fast. How loud do you burp?
  6. Drink 5 large cokes fast how loud do you burp?
  7. Mix 10 large cokes with mento's and swallow them all In 1 second. How loud do you burp?
  8. Do the same thing but with 15 extra large cokes.
  9. How much are you burping right now?
  10. Do the same thing but with 1,00000,0000 large diet cokes!

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Quiz topic: Do I burp????