Do you belong in the dark forest or StarClan?

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Good or evil, light or dark, dark forest or StarClan? Today we will find out. You will find out. Which side do you think you’re on? Which side are you really on?

IMPORTANT! Images are NOT mine, I found them on the internet. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy this quiz. Please do not take offense in any of the parts of the quiz.

Created by: Cat
  1. Light or dark?
  2. Evil or good?
  3. Color?
  4. Time for some RP questions! You’re a medicine cat, and you find out that you are going to have kits, what do you do?
  5. You’re in a battle, and you can only save one, the kit, the elder, or the leader who do you choose?
  6. You are in love with a cat from another clan, what do you do?
  7. You have been exiled from your clan for having kits with another clan, what do you do?
  8. A dog has invaded the camp, what do you do
  9. You have been tasked to fight another clan, what do you do
  10. Bye! (This has no effect on the quiz)

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Quiz topic: Do I belong in the dark forest or StarClan?
