Do you belive in god?

Hey guys it's like 12 am so if it's bad please don't bully me Anway guys this is to see if your on the fence about your christian life. Trust me it is hard when your stuck but god will give you a little push so you can acheive more.

So let's see here you are a beliver or not? You don't know what to do? That's fine cause thanks to my quiz you can find out. Right here right now. Let's go figure out what you are.

Created by: lonerwolf of you belive in god?
(your link here more info)
  1. Are you an atheust? ( non-beliver)
  2. Do you pray every night?
  3. Do you go to chruch?
  4. Do your parents have ear rings, tattos, etc.
  5. Do you cuss alot?
  6. Do you read the bible?
  7. Do you have faith in god?
  8. Do you think your a christian?
  9. Do you know any atheustes ( non-beliver) ?

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Quiz topic: Do I belive in god?