Do we have similar personalities?

Good evening. I'm auto writing in 3 2 1 . so in my phone is a little man back from the way the kids. Do u have some good in a lot of life so be a lot be there OK I love in a great person though I don't know u have some food.

Honestly too tired to write a description. Am I sorry? Are peanuts walnuts? Can you eat dirt and not need water after? Have you ever gotten you hand stuck in the toaster and got electrocuted and fell on the ground?

Created by: Jordan
  1. Favourite colour?
  2. Favourite music genre
  3. Pick one
  4. Pick one
  5. Pick a number
  6. Choose
  7. What are you doing on the weekend?
  8. Pick a word
  9. Pick a word
  10. Pick a word
  11. Pick a word
  12. Choose a word

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