do u think you know friends?????

Do you think you know all you should about Friends. If you have been doing your studying and you know all you should then do this quizz and see. IM NOT KIDIN .. REMEMBER.. i no whee u live and I am watching you.

You may THINK you know all you should but you dont know u know all you should know do youu. so do this and you will know that u know what you should know.

Created by: Libby
  1. What is Chandlers last name?
  2. Who does Pheobe fancy in friends?
  3. Where did Chandler and Janice split up for the 3rd time
  4. Who ended up together?
  5. Whats the name of the guy Chandler's jelous of?
  6. What was the name of Chandler and Ross's band?
  7. Who did Ross make an I hate Rachel club woth?
  8. Where did Chandler have to move all because he fell asleep?
  9. Who did Mattew Perry star in a movie with called 17 again?
  10. Who really doesn't want to turn 30 in Friends

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