do u REALLY kno me??

OHKEY just take the quiz!!! yeah.. ok TaKe IT!!! it will make me happy:] ahaha jk you wont die! i promise you!! u know u want 2!! lalalala im waiting!!!

just keep swimming swimming swimming just keep swimming what do you do you swim.... I love 2 swim!!! lalalala lalalala elmos world!! ugghhhh just take it!! plezzz!!!

Created by: emily

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What soccer team do i play 4 now???
  2. how many brothers and sisters do i have?
  3. where am i goin on vacation this summer?
  4. what color eyes do i have?
  5. what r my favorite colors??
  6. who is my favorite character??
  7. what grade am i in??
  8. what position do i play in soccer??
  9. what was my elective??
  10. what is my favorite kind of movie??

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