Do u need diapers?

So this is basically for The Ones that are curious to see if they need Those what babies/toddlers/little ones wear or they're too worthy to wear those baby stuff!

Hii! Curious to see if you need Diapers Or something Else? Well This quiz is just For You! If you want It To be a bit funnier invite Some friends,Family, Etc. If you don't Have friends/a family, etc. Im sorry To Hear that!

Created by: 123Thatsmygirl
  1. When did u last wet yourself?
  2. When did u last mess yourself?
  3. When did you last wet the bed/Anywhere you slept today or yesterday
  4. Do you use pacifiers/diapers/eat baby food/Use the potty where you are instead of going in the bathroom?
  5. Do you have accidents?
  6. How is your motor skills?
  7. How is your speech skills?
  8. Do you cry alot? (Take this as A Crybaby question)
  9. Do you act like an real baby/toddler?
  10. Is anyone forcing you to take this quiz?
  11. Byee or Goodbyee!

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